Upon arrival, call the office to check in.
We will call you to come in when your treatment room is ready and the waiting room is clear of other patients.
Please remember to wear your mask when you enter the office!
Upon entering, you will see that there are new plexiglass barriers at the front desk.
There is also hand sanitizer available at the check in window.
Highly touched items such as magazines and children’s toys have been removed from the waiting room, and surfaces and disinfected frequently.

Before we bring you to the treatment room, you will answer a short screening questionnaire and we will take your temperature with a touchless thermometer.
We also screen our staff and check their temperatures daily.
Upon being seated in the operatory, the assistant will instruct you to remove your mask and will have you rinse with a peroxide solution for 30 seconds.

The doctors and staff keep their masks on at all times while in the office.
We have also implemented using face shields during appointments.
Once finished with your appointment, the assistant will ask you to put your mask back on.
You will then be escorted back to the front desk to check out.

We look forward to seeing all of you soon and we appreciate your patience in implementing our new procedures.